A small little white man with a tiny little horn walks out from behind the duct tape and says, “By Decree of her holy webmisstress, ALL HAIL THE DUCT TAPE!” The little man takes up his horn and blows a melodious tune to which everyone is entertained. Duct tape just rocks, it is as simple as that. There’s no getting around it, over it, under it, or through it. “Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side and it hold the universe together.” There is more about duct tape in today’s pop culture than the ever famous toilet paper, the weapon of choice juvenile delinquents. That is why duct tape is the thing of the week, not to mention it might get me a lot of scholarship money next prom, click here for more info.
Duct Tape
May 18, 2003 - May 24, 2003