Why Making is Hard to Define
Nightshades Public Service Announcement

Lately, I’ve been avoiding nightshades. There’s a longer story there, but I wanted to post about my experience at Olive Garden.
About Me
Revamping a Vintage Suite Case into a Multi-functional Carrying Case
6 Things “Making” Can Do for You
TIL: Quick Whipped Cream

Today I learned that you can make whipped cream in a Magic Bullet (TM). I put about 2 tablespoons sugar and 1/3 cup of heavy whipping cream into the small bullet container and let it whip for about a minute. Please note, this is much longer than the manufacturer’s recommended time for blending.
There's writing and then there's writing
Geeky Problems: Planning
Russian soldier's Instagram indicates he is in Ukraine
Wacky Brain Shit

Fixing all the things!

So, sometime last year, I managed to get sand in my little point-and-shoot camera. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I called the camera repair shop, and they said it would cost over $100 dollars to fix it! Armed with this “proof”, I priced out a good replacement camera. The camera I chose was soon-to-be last year’s model, so I waited. I put the replacement on my wish list, and set a reminder on my calendar for the day the new model came out. Then I decided I should crack open my broken camera. I had nothing to lose! My goodness, I am glad I did! I found a repair guide on iFixIt, and set to work. The gentlemen down at my local Maker Space the Omaha Maker Group gave me some good advice about fixing it as well. Presto! My camera is taking photos like new. I know that next time I’m tempted to replace something, I’ll take a whack at fixing it first. If nothing else, I’ll learn something new. (And maybe you should think twice, too!)
Relaxation and slowing things down

So along with this minimalist thing I tend to follow (or like to think I follow… it’s more reading lots of articles about it and wishing I were more like that), I also try to spend enough time for myself, and relaxing.

I feel like this gentleman has more space in his apartment than I do, and he has half the square footage: GIZMODO - The Tiny Transforming Apartment That Packs Eight Rooms into 350 Square Feet Via Yahoo News
Writing and Inspiration

If you didn’t know, writing prose and writing a blog post is a completely different experience. The tone, the diction and even the part of my brain that I use (anecdotally, but it certainly feels like it) vary widely between the two.
Pet Peeves
Goals for GeekyLogic

Among some of my personal goals, I’ve written, “write more.” Which isn’t terrible quantitative, but whatever. So, while I tend to write prose and sometimes poetry, I think GeekyLogic will be a great tool for me to learn how to write blog posts. Blog posts are much closer to my work correspondence than prose. Also, writing blog posts will give me a place to post my opinion, and I feel that my opinion is worth the time, effort and money to create and maintain this website. Said website, in general, gives me a chance to fiddle with all the technical bits that go along with buying web hosting, domain names, and setting up the content management system (and then converting to another one), etc. For now, I’m not making any money on this site. In fact, I’m spending money on this site (I’m not even trying to break even). But it’s one of my hobbies, so I’m not really too concerned about it. I certainly could be spending a lot more on a hobby, in the grand scheme of things, so I think I’m doing alright. That said, I’d love some constructive feedback! I’ve enabled Disqus comments, but if there’s a better format, I’m open to suggestions. You can also shoot me an email, chat, etc. Right now, I’m pretty set on Word Press and this theme, but I could use a logo (or suggestions about a logo). Lastly, I’m not sure if I want to make a schedule for blog posts, because I’d like to emphasize quality over quantity. Some other things I’m hoping to do include do-it-yourself tutorials and retrospective articles for some of my more complicated artistic endeavors. When I get around to creating an e-book (I’m being optimistic here), I’ll link to that. Maybe I’ll even have a giveaway contest or something kitschy like that. Here’s to looking forward!
Managing Money on a Manic Monday

There are hundreds of debt-consolidators, pay-day advance and other shady ways of handling money now-a-days. It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to realize that most of these things are scams, or at the very least, a bad idea. Then there’s the average way of handling money, such as buying things on credit, getting a loan for your car, your house, and your education. This isn’t the greatest either, but it’s pretty much the standard for most Americans (some interesting stats on this over at NerdWallet.com).
Women Aren't Equal, Yet.

(“I cannot believe I still have to protest this shit” image via twitter @alsboy)
Today is Women’s Equality Day, the 93rd anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting women the vote,” according to Irin Carmon of MSNBC. However, Women are far from equal in today’s society. Granted, I am far better off then my grandmother or even my mother when it comes to these issues, but we still haven’t gone far enough.
Itty-bitty Living Space

Lonelyness by burtn | DeviantArt
I don’t know what it is about tiny, efficient spaces, but they seem to touch something deep inside me. The simplicity is beautiful, and I wish I could live like that. I think that’s why the minimalist and simple living trends caught my attention. Inspiration: An Escape From the Everyday | Apartment Therapy
Forest Pavilion is World’s First 3D-Printed Architecture | WebUrbanist

Forest Pavilion is World’s First 3D-Printed Architecture | WebUrbanist
The thing of the week (or whenever, really), is the world’s first 3D printed architecture. I’m, personally, a bit disappointed that is lacks a roof. Otherwise, I think it’s very ambitious and a step in the right direction. Finding a quick and repeatable method for building small structures like this could lead to all sorts of good things for disaster relief, temporary housing, etc.
I've started following this simple living trend.

Growing up, my family always had a lot of stuff. On occasion, we’d even sort through things and donate our extra, unwanted items. But I recall just about any excuse was a “good” excuse to keep something. So, when I finally moved out on my own, I took the majority of these things.
MiddyPuppy.com is now GeekyLogic.com
The new Kindle (well, sorta)
Ramblings of a 20-something
Bobble-headed Geisha

Here’s my fandom at it’s “worst.” I love Firefly and Serenity. If you haven’t seen it, you’re missing out. Anyways, a few years ago, I created a bobble-headed Geisha. This piece was mostly a proof-of-concept. It turned out decently, but imperfect, and I was disheartened. The project was lain aside, to collect dust on my mother’s shelf. Then, an organizer from the St. Louis “Can’t Stop the Serenity” event requested a custom geisha for their auction! I couldn’t have been more pleased. The bobble-head turned out great! I am again creating one (or more) geishas for this year’s event. Please see the Broadwave on the “Can’t Stop the Serenity” forum: Bobble-Headed Geisha Please see my deviant art page for more information.
Thrift Stores

Thrift stores are the Thing of the Whenever. I just found some great stuff at the local Goodwill. I just bought a jewelry armoire for 83% off the retail price! No, it’s not all beat to hell either. I also found an adorable dress and a sterling silver baby album cover with the engraving certificate still inside. This is just from my latest trip! It surprises me how much nice stuff people just give away.

Doctor Who TARDIS

I love Doctor Who. I’ve fallen for the newest series hook, line, and sinker! My wonderful mother bought me a present, a miniature TARDIS USB hub! It lights up when you add or remove devices, as well as an optional sound effect, just like the one on TV! It’s hard to beat the combination of aesthetics and functionality!
Skeleton Watch Necklace

I found a steampunk-esque watch that I just had to have. This watch is wound and hangs on a chain as a necklace. I am hoping to cobble together a steampunk outfit shortly, and will probably get some photos of myself and friends in said costume. Cross-posted to my blog.
Sundial Necklace

While digging out my costume for the impending local Renaissance Faire, I found my favorite piece. I love how useful it is (although, I’ve never been about to use it myself…) It’s very elegant and always gleans many comments and questions, when it’s not being over-shadowed by my Lothlorien pin and/or pet griffin. This watch was crafted by the wonderful Shepperd’s Watches. This is one of the smaller and more affordable options, so they have much more elaborate and beautiful options.
Steampunk Laptop

So, I starting to get into a trend called Steampunk. I came across this laptop, and it is amazingly cool. This is only one of several snapshots and an extensive description at the creator’s website, Datamancer.net.
Burnt Power Outlet
Thing of the Whenever
Domika's Sig

I made a signature image for Miss Domika, ‘cause she liked someone’s animated one, and I know how to make ‘em. You’re welcome, in advance.

Me in my pretty dress, because Leetster.com is broken.
Tim Burton
Two 'W's
Loud headphones
Ariel Ambulance

I have found my newest cause! The ambulance prop from the firefly episode “Ariel” was found in a junkyard, and browncoats everywhere are trying to rescue it. You can find the official website here: Ariel Ambulance As soon as I get some play money, I will be donating.
Harry Potter

If you have never heard of Firefly, you are missing out. This show was cancelled after only 15 episodes, but rose from the ashes to have the movie Serenity made to follow up where the show left off. From the mind of Joss Whedon, I am constantly amazed, no matter how many times I watch any peice of the show or movie, how wonderful and creative it truely is. There are numerous fansite out there. So many that I dare not try to list them all. My favorite character is Jayne Cobb, the hired gun. He’s just tall, rugidly hansome, and easy to understand. His bravado often hides what little deep emotion he has. He values sex and money, and not much else. He’s good but he’s bad, and it’s a paradox I like to explore.
Star Wars
Star Trek
Sealing wax
Foam Leg Pillow

"Single or lonely Japanese men may get lucky this Christmas. One popular item for holiday shoppers is the lap pillow, with skin-coloured polyurethene calves folded under soft thighs - a comfy cushion for napping, reading or watching television. The 9429 yen ($119) pillow, which comes with one red and one black skirt, went on sale in late November and maker Trane Co Ltd says shipments have reached 3000 in just a few weeks. "We created this item to help tired people relax," said Makoto Igarashi, Trane's managing director. Care was taken with details such as the softness of the thighs, panty lines on the pillow's "backside" and wrinkles in the lap of the skirt so as to make the pillow look and feel as real as possible. "We thought our main customers would be men in their 20s, but even men in their 60s are buying it," Igarashi said. At stores, lap pillows gather crowds where people poke and pry at the foam legs. "I think this may be good for single men, but it could cause trouble for someone who is married," said Shingo Shibata, a 27-year-old company employee browsing at a toy store which sells the pillow." - Reuters
Holy crap. What is this world coming to? I just laugh for numerous reasons. At least it's not anatomically correct.
My Little Little Pony
Hiatus 1
Mountain Dew

This week’s “thing” is my trackball mouse. It’s sooo cool! All my friend’s don’t like it ‘cause they are used to normal mice, but since I can’t seem to keep my desk clean enough for more than the 18 square inches it needs, how am I going to use a real mouse? It’s from Logitech, (they make lots of kewl stuff!), so you know the quality is decent. It’s nice and metallic shiny, so it fits my decor… *cough* what decor? *cough* But there is is folks, my trackball mouse. Oh yeah, I got it from my brother for Christmas.
Shot Glass
Dream Catcher
This is a dream catcher. For those of you who don’t know a dream catcher is, according to Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary of English, “a Native American craftwork consisting of a small hoop covered with string, yarn, or horsehair mesh and decorated with feathers and beads and believed to give its owner good dreams.” All hail Dictionary.com. My aunt got this for me, as a birthday gift… or maybe Christmas. Who knows, but it’s cool.
Wrist rest

This is a wrist rest, not a road kill puppy. It’s really comfy, but I don’t have any room on my desk for it so it really is on the floor most of the time. You can get one too, @ compusa.com if you are so inclined. I just thought it was cute, and I had a 10 dollar gift cert.
Peacock Feather
This is a peacock feather. It’s special because my dad bought it for me at a cat show downtown. We were helping out the boy scouts, and I tagged along. At the time we didn’t have any cats and this is a cat toy. But what are you going to do?
Marv Action Figure
Grammar sign
Crab Ragoon

Here’s the reason I love Chinese food, well Americanized Chinese food. Crab rangoons are so yummy! When I was a kid, I didn’t know why it was called “crab” rangoon because all I could taste was the cream cheese and greasy goodness. I still can’t taste the crab, but I know it’s in there.

This is my new 5 foot Ton Of Love LoveSac. I cleaned up doggy puke to get this thing. I couldn’t get the color right on the computer when I was editing the photo so I stuck a swatch from the site in the top right corner. That cute leopard pillow also came in the gift from my ‘rents. It fold in half with velcro and is ever so adorable, and COMFY. The whole this is like sitting on air. But I like it because now I can sit on something with my dogs and my butt won’t get numb.
Peeps Basket

This is my Easter basket. Yes, it’s a plush Peeps bunny. Yes, it’s pink. I didn’t buy it, but it’s very cute in my opinion. Of course, it’s made even sweeter by the fact that it’s filled with my favorite candy: dark chocolate Hershey’s eggs. I also got a really cute Peeps pen that is a matching pink shade as well. Not to mention the Robin’s eggs. Easter has truly lost all meaning to Corporate America.
Panda Pillow
This is one of those fad pillows that’s all squishy and stuff… Anyways, I’ve only ever seen this kind at Hallmark. Mom bought it for me for my birthday. Seeing as my favorite animal is the panda, I like it a lot.
http://www.urbn.com says this about these types of pillows: “Super squishy and soft. Silky nylon cover and tiny polystyrene beads make it feel like you’re lying on a marshmallow.”
Green Beer
Sims 2 University

What’s this? The first expansion pack for the Sims 2! It’s only up here because I’m damned excited about it. Sims 2 is the best game ever, and me being a little college student who can’t/won’t slut herself out, or drink till I drown, this is my way out. My poor Sims are so screwed. I can’t wait, but then again, I’m gonna see if there are any ads for it in the Sunday paper. Like I said, I’m in college; hello, NO MONEY!
Orange Pants

These are my orange pants. Now, I know it’s a piece of clothing and some may consider that cheating but I have never seen anyone else with orange pants “So where’d you get them then!?” Shut up you smart ass. I got the for three dollars at the thrift store. Judging by the amount of wear and tear, or lack there of, I think I’m wearing them more than the previous owner ever did.
CD case Speakers
Leather Jacket
Wooden Hippo
This is a wooden hippo that my brother brought back for me from Africa. So it’s hand carved, and it’s about 18 inches long. It’s pretty heavy. I still don’t know why he got me a hippo, but it’s cool. He got my mom a crucifix.

This I made in the 4th grade in E.P.C. I don’t even know what that stands for, but it was for the smart kids. It’s supposed to be me using a diablo. No, not the game. Some balance-y thing that you roll on a string and pop into the air and catch again. I never caught it. But it was really cool, the people who can. I saw it at a school assembly.
Belt Clip

I hate Dell. Apparently, Dell only cares about me for the first 21 days after my purchase. My belt clip shattered when my back pack snagged it. When I called Dell they said since it was already passed the 21 days, I would have to buy the whole jacket set again. That included the jacket/skin for my Pocket DJ, the belt clip for that, and the arm band for 30 dollars. Hell no, because the shitty belt clip will just break again, and will get stuck with 2 damned jackets, 2 damned arm bands, and the inability to clip it to my belt!
Spidey Antenna Topper
Belkin FM Transmitter

This is the new wave of music technology. This is the Belkin FM Transmitter II, and this cute little device plugs into my headphone jack of my Pocket DJ. Allowing me to transmit on an unused radio frequency, it makes my pocket DJ 10 times more useful. Not only does it allow me to share my music, but it also helps me contribute to our city’s sound pollution.
Dell Pocket DJ

Ipod ads are the coolest things ever, but I hate Steve Jobs. He’s a filthy liar, and he screwed up the Apple IIe. But Dell came out with the Pocket DJ, so I could have a coolness with out the stigma. 5 gigs, 3/4 the price, and more compatible with my scheming and devious ways.
Play On by Swizzle Tree

So Friday of last week, I won this CD. I was also entered to win a spiffy autographed poster by them (Swizzle Tree). So I went down the radio studio today (Dec 13) and I’m on the guest list for the concert. How sweet is that?? I can’t wait! Well, anyways, the CD fits the whole black and white theme of the site too. Double bonus.
Scupley Pen

So this is a shitty pic, but it’s good enough. This is a “sculpey pen.” I made three of three of them, two red and yellow, and one purple and white, but two of them had block things instead of this stripe pattern. Mom’s (the purple and white one) is probably the best made, but that’s just because it was the last one, and I knew I’d hear about it forever if it were shitty. This was also an attempt to get rid of some of the Sculpey. I want PREMO! Just a different brand of polymer clay.
Psycho Panda
This is just disturbing and I found it while I was surfing the net for anime stuff. All I wanted was some cheap Pocky, but I no, I had to see this. Now I love pandas, but this is going too far.
Sweet Potato / Yams
Christmas Bear
Squirrel of Love
CD Spool
Tape Dispenser
Kleenex Box
Ceramic Bunny
Miniature Goblet
This is a ceramic cup I bought @ the local Ren Fair. The design is exquisite, and I regret not getting a better picture to show you. Keeps things hot or cold, but I wouldn’t know because I have yet to use it. Those are metal roses stick out of it.
Disposable Camera
This is the back side of my one-time-use camera Kate, my sorority “big Sis” got for me. She loves taking pictures, which I understand, but I don’t know when this will ever get enough pictures taken to develop it… I never take pics.
Parking meter
M & Ms
Sea Shells
Honey Bear
This is a jar of honey with a bear candle on top that my grandma bought for me when she visited. I whined at my mom, but she wouldn’t get it, so Grandma did. She was always nice like that, even when I was a pain.
You can’t really tell but this is a miniature Purell. Again another thing currently residing in my purse. I don’t use it too much, but it’s handy when the soap is gone in the rest rooms.
Mini Playdoh
Kroger Card

Dec 2005 note: Don’t we all have about a million of these “money saving cards”? I personally have 5 or 6 just on my key chain alone. Not to mention my poor wallet is stretch tight with the others.
This is my Kroger card. I keep it around to save money on my gas. Because we all know that’s so important.
Chap Stick
Eclipse Mints
Manicure set
Salt Packet

This is the Iduck! No, it’s not a real one, but I thought it would be funnier if it [USB Drive] were jammed up the rear rather than the front. To see the real ones (which are a MAJOR rip off) go here: i-Duck USB Memory Storage device